Every ending has a new beginning: Cheers to 2021
In the blink of an eye and a few spikes, couple of variants and vaccinations later, 2021 has come and gone.
One very important lesson that this terrible , destructive pandemic has taught us is that we need to start living in the present and in the current moment. And not grow weary of the future. At the end of it all we need to trust in God and not be afraid. A beautiful quote that always reminds me of this : “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift that is why it is called the present.”
Despite all the negativity happening worldwide that bombards us on a daily basis, 2021 has been a year of hope. A year where many lives were saved through vaccinations. We were able to taste a bit of the normal that we were all used to prior to Covid.
I always go into a mode of reflection at the end of any year. It is so important to look back at all the experiences of the past year. Times of success, times of failure, times of joy and times of sadness. An extremely important aspect to reflect on is to appreciate health. Sometimes, I tend to take for granted the mere fact that I am healthy to go to work, go for a run or take my little dog for his daily walk.
Health is something we should never take for granted. And we need to constantly work on ourselves to keep our bodies and minds healthy. Prevention is always, always, always better than cure.
2022 does not need to start with New year's resolutions. Rather make the decision today, even if it is nearly mid December, practically 2 weeks before Christmas to make changes to your eating pattern, fitness routine and sleeping pattern. Prioritise yourself. Because your health is your greatest investment.
Start by making realistic and manageable changes to your lifestyle. Even if it only something small: for instance going to bed earlier, drinking more water and adding more greens to your plate. It all adds up and it is always the small things that make the big changes and have the greatest impact.
Life is too short to have regrets. Look after yourself, and fall in love with the idea of taking care of yourself. In this way you can take care of your loved ones around you even better. Pay it forward by living healthy!
For now remember in a word full of chaos, uncertainty and nonsense, there are still fresh cups of tea, new plans to make, and wild dreams to chase. Have a fantastic festive season and beautiful New Year.
Cheers to 2021 . 2022 : Whatever you are, and whatever you bring to the table !!!! Be a good one and treat us well.